Monday 14 April 2008

Definitely no regrets on the Danish

Shit I used to love reading Goosebumps books. For a kid like me, they were scary! And fun. Especially the ones where you choose what paths you take and therefore ultimately choosing your fate. I kinda think now, its totally like life. So many friggin choices. Some good, some not-so good. But can any be bad? I guess you can have regrets, (damn I should of bought fruit salad instead of that amazing danish....) some more important than others, (damn I should have listened when they told me to go to Uni after school finishes...) but then again thats life. And as we all know, we learn from our mistakes and create our own paths of life. It if we hadn't of gone down some of the rocky roads then we may not be the people who we are today. Live it, love it. 

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