Sunday, 30 August 2009

Roses really smell like...

You know how people write ' My ideal sunday would be...' well I was thinking about it - and its pretty much how I spend it every week.
Wake up, chuck the kettle on, tea, head down to Colombia Road flower market, coffee at Nick's, pick up some Peony's, head to Brick and check out what the china man has in parts, then look for a steel 1pound 15ml spanner (where have they all gone?!) get to work and chill all day. Afterward varies. Staying back at the shop, go to London Fields and drink in the sun, or just go home and watch a good doovd.

I got sunflowers this time. And a flower sculpture from that guy that does it for a buck and I usually say no to, but this time said yes. And I got a rose too infact. Just in black and white...

Lastly, just a heads up -

Gotta hype. Check iiiiit.

Thursday, 27 August 2009

Wheels in motion..

So finally I am motivated. Finally!!! Fuck. Anyway things are underway for the magazine - I interviewed Sanna and Juliet yesterday - they were so great, couldnt have answered my questions better!

Got Peony flowers from the Colombia Road - so amazing - although they look better on my arm! Mmm maybe I should have got colour...

Went to Frith St after hours and Stefano tattooed me for his portfolio. I dont know why, as he is really really good already. And has only been tattooing for 5 months. So so good.

Met Dagmara today for PingPong. They had really good toilet paper and we need some...bahahaha steeping so low...! But the food and tea was worth it.

Stolenspace has been rented out for a few days and tonight was the launch for a new skateboard exhibition - kind of like No Comply but not. Stu's was the best by far!! Fuck yeah!! But Lucas Deverell's, was good too. I only met him today.

So much to do. So little time... And Issue 4 is ready to arrive on Friday..shit thats tomorrow? I think Ive already mentioned it looks like the best one so far. And in the background I can see Macaframa which has been out on DVD for only a little while, so I just getting your paws on that one.


Monday, 24 August 2009

Sundays are the best

I got back a few days ago from chillin with the fam in Gdansk, Poland cos my parents have a place there. Sooo much fun. Good food, good times. Bootcamp fun! Then it was Andys birthday on Saturday so we started off at Broady Markets for some Climpson and Son coffee and people watching. I got him some bday cupcakes .. pic on his flickr fixedgearlondon.

We rode to the city - Magma, Apple, Hideout, Vans all on the list...only because I just got my Australian Tax Return! Thanks Kev. Haha. The afternoon ended at Lock 7. So cute!

So we didnt end up opening the shop yesterday - so Andy and I chilled at the markets with Josh and Ted. Ended up at the Golden Heart pub and next thing I know we have to return some dvd's and chill at London Fields in the sun for some more cider.
I think the boys were already drunk from the night before. Mayhem!
I bought a cute dress at the markets too...Im gonna dye it black for extra sass. Pic up soon!


This was where World War II officially started!

Heaps of forests. Ah fresh air

I usually dont really like churches, but this place was amazing!! So huuuge. Saints buried there and just amazingly built.

Our place had this basement which was the creeeeeepiest ever. I swear they had prisoners down there! Heaps of rooms and all walls and doors scream proof. Ahh Europe.

Got Andy the Samsonite Marc Newson designed Scope duffel. So bright.

Dickies is supplying us - who work in the shop - with pants! At the moment they feel like cardboard and make my arse look huuuge. Yay

Teds workshop door - just so we know which to deliver beer to

Its takes forever to walk down the markets....shizen houzen

Pete and the boys. We're pretty much Brewery residents

Steve and Andy

Tom!!! Had a messy one last night. Literally hahaha

Supreme have the best stickers ever. And! We just got 14BikeCo and FGLDN stickers done yahoo

This is old news, but these are the shoes Ted designed for Nike to rep London. Nice work!

Sharma opened her nail salon Wah Nails. Lookin great - sorry for the pic Flic!!

Brick Lane Bagel action.. Hal was down and stayed at ours after he did the Nike CTRS ride with Andy and Ted.

Shot Nic and Daria for an article. Raddest ladies!! Piotr, Darias man, came along too. Gonna miss you Nic!

Ive decided to sell it. Vintage track frame. Steel lugged. Aero seat stays. English frame. Its been powder coated so bit of a mystery as to who built it. Anyone interested email me!